LaLiga confirms a new ‘Fair Play’ that will benefit Barça ahead of the summer market

Good news for FC Barcelona. LaLiga has announced several reforms in economic matters that promise to contribute to lightening the Barça’s ‘fair play’, something necessary so that Barça can better manage its incorporations in the next transfer markets
LaLiga, with the aim to boost the competitiveness between the clubs and stimulate a greater number of contractings, has approved, through the Commission Delegated of the patronal, make small changes in his strict economic control. This news benefits obviously to all the clubs of the Spanish championship, but especially to the FC Barcelona, that crosses an economic situation quite complex and that in his moment described this rule as “too rigid”.
Several of the reforms implemented by the organism chaired by Javier Thebes represent a break for the FC Barcelona, that will see, to the equal that the others clubs, an increase in his limit salarial. This concept collects the maximum quantity that the teams can allocate to pay to his sportive staff inscribible (players and trainers, mainly) and no inscribible (filial, quarry and other sections).
The reforms of LaLiga in economic matter
In the section of the clubs that exceed the tope salarial, line where the Catalan cast finds included, has suffered significant changes. From the next wintry market, the clubs in this position will be able to spend 60% in signings of the saving that generate (an improvement of 10% in comparison with the past season) and 70% if the saving comes from of a player franchise, that is to say, that whose cost supposes 5% of the total limit.
Besides, LaLiga now also will allow that the stray income because of works made in the stadiums, like the construction of the new Spotify Camp Nou, do not reduce the limit salarial during a maximum of two seasons. The credit that the organ rector of the tournament of Spanish football have not demanded during these two years will have to be assumed by the Catalan club in the three following seasons.
In the reforms also tackled the subject of the crowbars, a resource that recently has helped to the FC Barcelona to balance his accounts. The novelty in this section is that, previously, if a club sold his active by more than 5% of the value of the figure of businesses, could not use that mount for incorporations. Now, the excess money of this profit can invest in paying the economic losses by the COVID, what helps to increase the ceiling salarial and, therefore, offers more space to make incorporations.
Injection of capital, CVC and derivative losses by the COVID
On the other hand, LaLiga announced that now the money to give back like consequence of the derivative losses by the COVID and the economic injection of the CVC that lastraba and reduced the limit salarial, will reduce at most 5% of the figure of business, allowing give back this money in a greater number of seasons. Besides, the injection of capital for the clubs, that before had to spend in four seasons, now will be able to consume intwo .
LaLiga Also entered the novelty in relation with the mount that each team can use depending on the increase of capital that make. In this point, the clubs divide in three categories (To, B and C) according to his economic solvency. The ones of category To, with the best economic situation, can allocate 100% of the investment for wages and signings, whereas the ones of category B, in an economic situation average, can use 90%, and the ones of category C, with an economic situation more precarious, only can use 70%.
Given the economic moment complex that crosses the FC Barcelona, to way of speculation, is possible that situate in the seccional B, what would allow him use 90%. This, to his time, would report him another profit: with 10% remaining, could improve his limit salarial, using these quantities to clear the losses of the COVID pending.